The World Transformation Movement’s global network of WTM Centres promote the life-changing and world-transforming explanation of the human condition put forward by Australian biologist Jeremy Griffith — see
This WTM Centre, situated in the Bay of Islands on New Zealand’s North Island, was established by Greg Bray to help ensure this breakthrough understanding of human behaviour is supported across every corner of the world!
“It is an honour to be part of the WTM’s pioneering sunshine army. Time to start shouting the truth of Jeremy Griffith’s biological explanation of the human condition from the rooftops!!”
Greg Bray
Greg Bray has a Bachelor of Science from the University of Auckland and for many years has been an adventure tourism guide, in the ski-fields of Queenstown, the Abel Tasman National Park, and now in the Bay of Islands, from where he runs adventure day tours.
Debunking the ‘savage instincts’ excuse for human behaviour
The great question in all human life is why, when the ideals are to be cooperative, loving and selfless are we capable of incredible competition, aggression and selfishness? The great lie in biology is that we are aggressive and ruthlessly competitive because, like other animals, we have savage instincts derived from a ‘survival of the fittest’ need to reproduce our genes.
WATCH biologist Jeremy Griffith explain that humans’ selfish behaviour is NOT a product of savage animal instincts within us, but the result of a psychosis that can be healed through understanding — a revelation that has the power to transform the human race.
“Jeremy’s work brings out the truth of a new and wider frontier for humankind, a forward view of a world of humans no longer in naked competition amongst ourselves and with all others.”
John Morton, QSO, Emeritus Professor of Zoology, University of Auckland & Lay Canon of Holy Trinity Cathedral, Auckland
“I have no doubt FREEDOM provides the holy grail of insight we have sought for the psychological rehabilitation of the human race.”
Former President of the Canadian
Psychiatric Association -
“I love FREEDOM — it explains the most complex of conditions and yet it is in truth the simplest of actions needed to transform what we do and get back to who we are.”
Craig Conway,
WTM North East England founder
and actor, writer & producer -
“FREEDOM resurrects the deep all-important questions of life — questions we all once asked when we were children — and for the first time in millions of years, ANSWERS THEM!”
Dr Karen Riley,
WTM Toronto founder,
University Professor & Clinical Pharmacist -
“It’s fantastic that the paradox of our capacity for doing both horrific and very great things can finally be answered from a biological point of view.”
Carlos Cruz Blanco,
WTM Colombia founder,
chemical engineer and R&D Scientist -
“The information presented in FREEDOM is true, and WILL end all the pain and suffering, and bring peace to Earth.”
Annemieke Akker,
WTM Amsterdam co-founder
and biologist, editor & translator -
“The key to the whole mystery of human existence!”
Gerry St Onge,
WTM Philadelphia founder
and management consultant
FREEDOM: The End Of The Human Condition
FREEDOM is the definitive presentation of the biological explanation of the human condition needed for the complete understanding of human behaviour and the ultimate amelioration of all the underlying psychosis in human life.
READ more Commendations for FREEDOM
“Jeremy Griffith, finally a man with a real plan! FREEDOM saved my life and raised my soul from the ashes. This is the most liberating book on the planet. Jeremy’s clean, pure and simple explanation of the tricky subject that is the human condition made me…and I am sure it will make you…go WOW on every page!!
I could not put it down!”
Greg Bray

MUST, MUST WATCH: Craig Conway, the acclaimed British actor, writer, producer and broadcaster — and the founder of WTM North East England Centre — has brought all his skills to bear to produce the ideal introduction to Jeremy Griffith’s explanation of the human condition in this absolutely astonishing, world-changing and world-saving interview with Jeremy. It’s called ‘THE’ Interview because in it Jeremy gives such a concise and accessible summary of his world-saving explanation of the human condition that it’s nothing less than the most important interview of all time!
Alongside the original WTM Centre in Sydney, Australia, World Transformation Movement Centres are being established around the world to help bring to everyone the now desperately needed all-relieving and all-explaining biological understanding of the underlying issue in all of human life of our troubled human condition.
Visit the WTM’s Community page to learn more about the formation of these Centres. You can access the following examples of WTM Centre websites by clicking on their images below.

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